Unlock insights with HKBU ranking data.

Monitor progress and achieve subject ranking targets. This tool tracks QS reputation survey contacts and consent status, offering insights to enhance faculty performance and support strategic planning.
Add your close contacts to the portal to invite them to participate in the QS reputation survey. Their votes for HKBU are crucial and significantly impact world and subject rankings.
A gateway to explore the UG Satisfaction Data Report, offering in-depth analysis spanning faculties, departments, and programs.
Gain insights into GRF/ECS grant applications and awards data.

Optimise research impact with this advanced assessment tool to select top outputs for RAE 2026.
Tracking HKBU's Top 2% scientists and a bibliometric analysis of high-potential individuals for selection as Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers.
Explore the scholarly contributions of academics with our bibliometric report tool.

Explore and compare UAA data with UGC-funded universities.

Explore a curated list of top-tier academic journals used in HKBU Annual Reports and Academic Performance Reviews.
Access the list of top scientists by discipline worldwide in 2024 released by Research.com and conduct benchmarking analysis with peer institutions.